Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Visual stimuli.

Now that we have begun to really get our teeth in the visual part of this brief I thought it was about time I post my visual inspiration for my good - The history of beer.

This is something that I was already starting to develop within my design. (Barely leaves) I particularly like the miniture beer mugs at the top of the design and the use of Olde type something that I should look into if I'm working with the history of beer.

Gorgeous beer lables from Norway designer FRANK. The strong type and colours are what makes this a lovely bit of print. The traditional European type along with beautifully detailed illustrations is something that I'm trying to incorporate in my design.

Custom identity and range of logotypes for an exciting new drinking den in Manchester's historic Northern Quarter. Design- Teacake design.
This is also something that I was already developing within my design (X cross) . It's hard for me to choose between a traditional, detailed design like the ones I've previously mentioned or  a more contemporary, simple design like this one. A merger may be in the works. A simple, modern design with a traditional touch.

Unlike the detailed designs, this design can be applied to letterheads, websites and can be recognised if scaled down/up.

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