Wednesday 14 December 2011


During the briefing today Fred said for us to start looking at idents.
Different channels have different flavours. Dave is the "home of witty banter" so you won't find "Frozen planet" being broadcast on there. Here are a few examples of idents to lean me in the right direction.

Channel 4.
London based Rudd Studio have recently finished working on a brand update for Channel 4.
Subtle changes give a refreshed look to a great brand who always incorporate considered design.
The idents shout various things at me. Sharp, new, exciting, modern, so the sort of programming to expect would be intelligible, modern or historic with an edgy twist.

Channel 4 Branding 2010 from ruddstudio on Vimeo.

Channel 4 ⁄ Dispatches from Spin on Vimeo.

Identity and title sequence for Channel 4's flagship documentary and investigative journalism series. Spin were commissioned to create the identity and title sequence for this show. Dispatches sets out to ask awkward questions. The design concept acts as a visual expression of Dispatches commitment to unravel and uncover the story. The execution is reflective of the shows hard hitting approach and seeks to attain impact and achieve a sense of authority.

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